The Satori Team

Homeopath Roxy Hutton Homeopath Roxy Hutton

Dr Renaldi van Rensburg - Homeopath

I am a Homeopathic Doctor that aims not to restore your health but to improve your health to a greater place than it was before you experienced your symptoms! As a Homeopath I treat you in a holistic manner, looking at your mental, emotional and physical health makinf adjustments to dietary and lifestyle aspects. During my consultations you can expect to build a therapeutic relationship with me so that we can talk about your emotional and mental health - I treat the patient, not the illness. I work with a great team of psychologists who I can refer to so that we can achieve optimal health. I am qualified to dispense medication specifically formulated for you and your symptoms that will be dispensed after each consultation.

I treat a multitude of illnesses:

GUT Health (Constipation, IBS, Diarrhoea, Reflux, Ulcers etc.)

Allergies (Seasonal allergies, Food intolerance and chronic Sinusitis)

Burnout & exhaustion (Struggling to get out of bed or concentrating)

Female health (PCOS, Fibroids, Weight loss, Menopause etc.)

Male Health (Low libido, Hair loss, Weight loss, and Insomnia)


My Services are available in Afrikaans and English

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